Forums - Anyone here still play the classics? Show all 22 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Anyone here still play the classics? ( Posted by TalbainEric on 04:14:2001 08:22 PM: I have a while back. Played Street Fighter 2 in the arcade. It was collecting dust,so I'd though I'd give it a go. Was I suprised! I was used to things like air-blocking and supers,but now,it was like going back in time. Chun-Li was more effective back in the day. (Unlike now,she sucks) and she was fun to use. Anyone else here still? Posted by Havoc911 on 04:14:2001 09:08 PM: I still play Hyper Fighting all the time. I play World Warrior for nostalgic purposes, but the game is just too slow now. They're still great games. P.S.- Play Third Strike, Chun-Li does not suck. Posted by Nemesis En4Cer on 04:14:2001 09:21 PM: I play Darkstalkes on Saturn...and Double dragon in SNES Posted by khufu on 04:14:2001 09:47 PM: I sometiems play Street Fighter 2 Turbo and the one with Cammy, Fei Long, Dee Jay, and T. Hawk on SNES. Posted by SSJGouKi on 04:14:2001 10:03 PM: yup i still play the old classics... Fatal Fury Special Hyper Fighter KOF 98 Phantasy Star 1 (I loved this game back in the days!) NES Blaster Master SNES Castlevania SF Alpha NES Mega Man series Ghouls n' Ghosts (AWESOME! STILL ONE OF THE BEST GAMES!) Final Fight SNES Final Fantasy 2 and 3(MUCH better then the crap ass PS versions.) and more The old days were the bombs, i miss them. Posted by Sekiria on 04:14:2001 10:14 PM: I'm still an oldskooler...can you believe I still play Contra? Other old school games I play nowadays... Strider (Arcade & NES) Final Fight KOF '96 (The BEST KOF IMHO) Street Fighter Alpha 2 Alien vs. Predator (The KING of Beat-em-ups) Streets of Rage (1, 2, and 3...the Japanese SOR3 had a homo up in it...that was funny) Ghouls 'n Ghosts Street Fighter II Super Street Fighter II X Vampire Savior The Raiden Series (The shooter games) Gun Bird (A RARE game to come across in arcades...I was lucky to play it) Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy VI Contra III (This game ROCKED back in the day) TMNT Turtles In Time (So did this one) Golden Axe The list goes on...these games kicked ass back then. Oh, how I miss the good old days of video gaming... Posted by Sneaker Pimp on 04:15:2001 12:32 AM: I wish MY arcade still had Aliens Vs. Predator. ;_; Posted by HwangX on 04:15:2001 12:40 AM: how does Gunbird compare to Gunbird 2? Does it still have the hella funny storylines? lmao, those are SO classic Posted by Violence on 04:15:2001 12:55 AM: Yes I still play hyper fighting and Championship edition because I have so many fond memories of playing them for 5 hours after school instead of doing my homework. Aw, the failures...I mean memories. Posted by TalbainEric on 04:15:2001 02:11 AM: Sekiria: Ah,yes,I remember Contra well. I don't have any more old systems though. Posted by BrazilionBH on 04:15:2001 02:20 AM: super street fighter 2 tubo x is my favorite game rite now until if they do bring out alpha 4... Posted by TalbainEric on 04:15:2001 02:26 AM: I love SSF2Turbo,mostly because of Cammy and her cool ending(the one where she pets the cat in London). Sadly,though,I doubt if they'll come out with Alpha 4. I'm sure Alpha 3 was the last one. Posted by Shin-Mech-Brian on 04:15:2001 02:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sneaker Pimp I wish MY arcade still had Aliens Vs. Predator. ;_; I wish Capcom actually bothered to port that game to the Saturn. I loved that game! Posted by Sekiria on 04:15:2001 02:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by HwangX how does Gunbird compare to Gunbird 2? Does it still have the hella funny storylines? lmao, those are SO classic Yeah, the story's actually set years before gunbird 2...different characters, different enemies, and a different item that brought all those characters together. it was a hell of a lot harder than Gunbird 2, even on the easiest difficulty. I remember when the machine gave out hella free credits whenever you moved the joystick (the machine I played on was jacked up at the was for a good cause though )...I used to play on that shit until it crashed. That game was hella fun. How I miss it... Posted by kaspr5 on 04:17:2001 02:10 AM: old school old school games are the coolest. i play all the new stuff too, but i like playing the o.g. games as well. there is nothing better than stomping the crap out of the people who think that mvc2 is the only fighting game out there. i have nothing against the game it's just catered to super cheap gameplay in some cases. cvs is another story all together. that is like old school but not entirely. bach then you didn't have airblocking and sidestepping and multiple super moves. now it's like people don't like playing if you can't do an infinite combo or cheese someone or do a cheap combo to take 80% of someones life. with all the new games coming out i'd have to say i still will stick to old school titles as well. Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 12:21 AM: absolutley If you want old school gaming meets new school technology and graphics, it would have to be SF3 Third Strike. The only difference being - parrying - ugh - you should not beable to parry fireballs - that's dumb. Old school SF is greast because their is ACTUALLY FIGHTING. Now don't get me wrong tactics are tactics and every Ryu player ever has set up a fireball/dragon punch pattern in which you play keep away and when they get close - you pop'em back across the screen. It is a far cry different from the keep away and die patterns of today - like MvC2. That game really is House of the Dead with Marvel and Capcpm characters. Shoot them first and drain them if they block. Anyways, Super Street Fighter was probably the best old school no air blocking/parry/recovery/super move crap. = ) Posted by .Just*a*Kid. on 04:23:2001 02:51 AM: Capcom/SNK Fighting games are probably the only "new school" games I play,other then that (and the odd game of Tony Hawk or Quake,on a blue moon) I'm all about ol skool Retro-Games. NES games like: Mike Tyson's Punchout!,Ninja Giaden series,Double Dragon Series,Kirby,Contra,Pac-Man series,Mario Brother series and so-on. even a bunch of Atari 2600 games are awesome Like Pitfall and stuff. and then the theres way too meny 16-bit classics to mention,but I like a bunch. I dunno,just somthing about absoulutly every game being 3D now,it kind of loses it's charm after the millions time. Posted by Vega on 04:23:2001 02:58 AM: I play lots of these older games mentioned on emulators like Mame32K and NeoRageX. These games will always be fun to us and our generation. Posted by Mephisto on 04:23:2001 03:39 AM: I dunno how classic this is but i play MUGEN Posted by AKUMA2000 on 04:23:2001 04:10 AM: I play "classic mode" in SFA3 from time to time, even if it's just dragon punches and hurricane Posted by Starhammer on 04:23:2001 05:17 PM: All the good games in my area were removed except SSF2T. between that and old collections they have for the PS I get my nostalgia fix -Starhammer- Posted by Rugal. B on 04:23:2001 05:24 PM: Yeah i still play games like SF2 Turbo and Street fighter 2. they don't make them like they used to! All times are GMT. The time now is 01:26 AM. Show all 22 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.